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Engraving Art; Unique Manifestation of Iranian Culture Ghalamzani
The art of carving designs on copper, gold, silver, and brass, commonly known as Qalam-Zani in Iran, dates back to more than one thousand years BCE.
The art is practiced in Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz, each of which has its own style. Engraving is the creation of lines and motifs by hammering on metal objects.
Due to its softness and ductility, copper is more common in the art of engraving than other metals. On the other hand, archaeologists and art historians believe that copper was the first metal to be considered in the art of metalworking and engraving.

The art of engraving on metal is therefore of greater interest to artists, as it is more durable than other objects. In addition, the motifs and symbols in different historical and cultural periods vary according to different ideological and cultural changes and under the influence of social conditions.
The art of engraving was practised in the Median, Achaemenid, Seljuk, Parthian, Sassanid, periods until the Islamic period, and has developed in both designs and techniques.
Modern relief
Perhaps until a few years ago, no one paid much attention to the art of relief, but with the passage of time and the use of this art in the design of the facades of buildings, hotel lobbies and subway stations, the beauty of these motifs emerged and showed their charm over time. . Today, it is common to use relief panels to decorate the walls. Relief panels with images of nature, human faces, modern patterns, etc. are very new and beautiful and are especially used in modern decoration. Paintings, carpets and the like have high prices and it may not be possible for many people to buy them, but relief paintings have a reasonable price and since they have cheap raw materials, it is more affordable to buy them. Therefore, they are suitable options for decorating houses, hotels, etc.